Task-Based Sailor Assignment problem (TSAP)
This phase of the work will modify the GenoSAP package to include newly developed algorithms for matching sailors to the work load as defined by the requisition, and platform specific requirements for additional work that must be performed. Additionally, the job requirements are only able to be satisfied given some temporal constraints that must be taken into account when optimally matching a candidate to a job. Accordingly, investigate new genetic operators in multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) optimization to match sailors to jobs within the given temporal constraints.
The TSAP is a complex assignment problem in which each of n sailors (where each sailor is having his/her own capacity) must be assigned one job drawn from a set of m tasks in a set of t time slots. The goal is to find a set of these assignments such that the overall desirability of the match is maximized, and the number of sailors working in the ship is minimized while considering the several constraints like the sum of resources for the assignment over given time should not exceed sailor's capacity, same sailor should not be assigned to multiple tasks in one time slot and the number of the sailors working in one time slot should be equal to the number of tasks required to be done in that time slot.
This project is funded under the Scientific Services Program (Task No. 08179), which is sponsored by the US Army Research Office and is managed by Battelle under Prime Contract No. W911NF-07-D-0001. The views, opinions, and/or findings contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not be construed as an official Department of the Army position, policy, or decision, unless so designated by other documentation.
D. Dasgupta, F. Nino, D. Garrett, K. Chaudhuri, S. Medapati, A. Kaushal, J. Simien. "A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm For The Task Based Sailor Assignment Problem". In the proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2009). Montreal, Canada: July, 8-12 2009.
G. Hernandez, D. Garrett, D. Dasgupta, F. Nino, A. Kaushal, P. K. Vejandla, K. Chaudhuri, S. Medapati, J. Simien. "Genetic-based Solutions to Variations of Navy’s Sailor Assignment Problem". Submitted to Applied Soft Computing Journal. June, 2009.