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Year 2010

First Tenness Entreneurship and Innovation Fellowship
PI: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Sponsor: First Tennessee Foundation
Period: 8/1/2010-7/31/2011
Amount: $24,275.

Alcohol Measurements in AutoSense - From Days to Weeks in the Field
PI: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Dr. Mustafa al'Absi and Dr. Lorentz Wittmers, Univ. of Minnesota Medical School
Dr. Emre Ertin, Ohio State University
Dr. Linda Tempelman, Giner Inc.
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Period: 8/1/2010-4/30/2011
Amount: $172,949.

Making AutoSense Robust for Everyday Wearing - A Field Test in Illicit Drug Users
PIs: Dr. Kenzie Preston, National Institute on Drug Abuse
       Dr. Santosh Kumar
Dr. Mustafa al'Absi and Dr. Lorentz Wittmers, Univ. of Minnesota Medical School
Dr. Emre Ertin, Ohio State University
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Period: 8/1/2010-4/30/2011
Amount: $132,081.

Year 2009

FieldStream: Network Data Services for Exposure Biology Studies in Natural Environments
PI: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Dr. Mani Srivastava and Dr. Greg Pottie, UCLA
Dr. Justin Romberg and Dr. Jun Xu, Georgia institute of Technology
Dr. Anind Dey, 
Carnegie Mellon University
Dr. Deepak Ganesan, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Dr. J Gayle Beck, University of Memphis
Dr. Mustafa al'Absi, Univ. of Minnesota Medical School(Consultant)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF), NetSE Program (crosscutting across CNS, CCF, and IIS)
Period: 9/1/2009-8/31/2013
Amount: $2,699,990.

Personalized Stress Inferencing in AutoSense
PIs: Dr. Santosh Kumar
      Dr. Tom Kamarack, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Asim Smailagic, and Dr. Daniel Siewiorek, Carnegie Mellon University
Dr. Mustafa al'Absi and Dr. Lorentz Wittmers, Univ. of Minnesota Medical School
Dr. Emre Ertin, Ohio State University
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Period: 5/1/2009-4/30/2010
Amount: $238,158.

REU for Doing More with Less: Tracking Movements Using a Sparse Sensor Network
PI: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF), CNS Division
Period: 9/1/2009-8/31/2010
Amount: $16,000.

Year 2008

AutoWitness: Detecting and Tracking Burglars Using a Sparse Wireless Sensor Network
PI: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Sponsor: Fedex Institute of Technology (FIT), Univ. of Memphis
Period: 8/1/2008-7/31/2010
Amount: $350,965.

Automated Wireless Measurement of Pulse Wave Velocity in AutoSense
PI: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Co-PIs: Dr. Emre Ertin, Ohio State Univ.
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Period: 8/14/2008-4/30/2009
Amount: $68,286.

REU for Doing More with Less: Tracking Movements Using a Sparse Sensor Network
PI: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF), CNS Division
Period: 5/12/2008-8/31/2010
Amount: $12,000.

Year 2007

AutoSense: Quantifying Personal Exposures to Addictive Substances and Psychosocial Stress
PI: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Co-PIs, Investigators, and other personnel: 15 total
Dr. Satish Kedia, and Dr. Kenneth Ward, Univ. of Memphis
Dr. Mustafa al'Absi, Univ. of Minnesota Medical School
Dr. Emre Ertin, Ohio State Univ.
Dr. Kent Hutchison, Univ. of Colorado
Dr. Mark Faupel, Dr. Manju Venugopal, Rick Fowler, Kathryn Feuvrel, Erika Eckler, SpectRx Inc.
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH), Part of the Genes Environment Initiative
Period: 8/14/2007-4/30/2011
Amount: $1,659,605.

Doing More with Less: Tracking Movements Using a Sparse Sensor Network
PI: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Co-PIs: Dr. Bela Bollobas and Dr. Prasun Sinha (Ohio State Univ.)
Senior Personnel: Derek Myers, Deputy Director, Univ. of Memphis Police Services
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF), CNS Division
Period: 9/1/2007-8/31/2010
Amount: $499,989.

Foundations of Coverage and Connectivity for Wireless Sensor Networks Deployed in Thin Strips
PI: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Co-PIs: Paul Balister and Dr. Bela Bollobas
Senior Personnel: Derek Myers, Deputy Director, Univ. of Memphis Police Services
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF), CCF Division
Period: 9/15/007-9/14/2010
Amount: $350,000.

Year 2006

Preparing Students for an Embedded Everywhere World
PI: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Co-PIs: Dr. Lan Wang and Dr. Qishi Wu
Sponsor: Advanced Learning Center, University of Memphis
Period: 1/2/2007 - 6/30/2007
Amount: $10,000.