WiSe MANet Lab - Prospective Members

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Do you want to make a long lasting impact in this world via high quality research? Do you want to compete with the best and brightest researchers in the world to get your research published in the world’s best publishing venues? Do you want to grow yourself into a world-class technology and/or business leader and are willing to work extremely hard to realize such dreams?

If you answered “yes” to these questions from your heart, WiSe MANet Lab may be a perfect place to grow yourself. If you are selected to become part of this elite research group, you can be assured that you and your long term career will receive the highest priority in all research work that involves you. You will be immersed in a highly dynamic and extremely ambitious work environment where excellence in research is not a choice but a basic necessity. You will work on exciting new technologies that have great future potential (in both academic and business worlds). Explore the lab webpage to learn more on current projects.

If you believe that WiSe MANet Lab is a good match for you, send an email to Dr. Santosh Kumar with a compelling argument to support your candidacy and cite any prior performance that may support your claim.