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Making a Difference via Collaborative Research

We strongly believe in collaboration since it enables us to pool together the expertise and resources of multiple entities to advance the science. We frequently collaborate with other leading universities and corporations that have unique technologies and have a passion for making a difference via research. For example, in the AutoSense project, we collaborated with medical researchers,biomedical scientists, behavioral scientists, and electrical engineers. In the AutoWitness and Barrier Coverage projects, we collaborated with leading mathematicians. In the MD2K Center of Excellence, we are collaborating with 20+ national thought leaders in medicine, psychology, statistics, electrical engineering, and computing from 12 universities.

We are always exploring opportunities for new collaboration from acorss the nation and across the world. If you believe we can pool together our resources to make a difference via sound research, we warmly welcome you to get in touch with us.

Our Collaborators (until 2015): 

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

  1. Prof. Gregory Abowd, School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech
  2. Prof. Polo Chau, College of Computing, Georgia Tech
  3. Prof. Tyson Condie, Computer Science, UCLA
  4. Prof. Anind Dey, Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
  5. Dr. Emre Ertin, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ohio State University
  6. Prof. Deborah Estrin, Computer Science, Cornell Tech
  7. Prof. Deepak Ganesan, Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  8. Prof. Benjamin Marlin, Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  9. Prof. Greg Pottie, Electrical Engineering, UCLA
  10. Prof. James Rehg, School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech
  11. Prof. Justin Romberg, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Tech
  12. Prof. Prasun Sinha, Computer Science and Engineering, Ohio State University
  13. Prof. Asim Smailagic, Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
  14. Prof. Mani Srivastava, Electrica Engineering & Computer Science, UCLA
  15. Prof. Dan Siewiorek, Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Institute, Carnegie Mellon University 
  16. Prof. Jun (Jim) Xu, College of Computing, Georgia Tech


  1. Dr. William Abraham, Cardiovascular Medicine, Ohio State University
  2. Dr. Clay Marsh, Dean, West Virginia University Medical School
  3. Dr. David Epstein, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Intramural Program 
  4. Prof. Vivek Shetty, Dentistry, UCLA 
  5. Prof. Ida Sim, Medicine, UC San Francisco

Social and Behavioral Sciences:

  1. Prof. Mustafa al'Absi, Departments of Behavioral Sciences, Physiology, Pharmacology, and Family Medicine, University of Minnesota Medical School 
  2. Prof. J Gayle Beck, Department of Psychology, University of Memphis 
  3. Prof. David Conroy, Kinesiology and Human Development, Penn State University
  4. Dr. David Epstein, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Intramural Program 
  5. Prof. Satish Kedia, Department of Anthropology, University of Memphis 
  6. Prof. Tom Kamarck, Department of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh
  7. Dr. Cho Lam, Psychology, Rice University
  8. Dr. Inbal (Billie) Nahum-Shani, Social Research, University of Michigan
  9. Prof. Kevin Patrick, Family & Preventive Medicine, UCSD 
  10. Dr. Kenzie Preston, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Intramural Program
  11. Prof. Bonnie Spring, Preventive Medicine, Northwestern University 
  12. Prof. Kenneth Ward, Department of Health and Sports Sciences, University of Memphis
  13. Prof. David Wetter, Psychology, Rice University

Mathematics & Statistics:

  1. Prof. Paul Balister, Mathematical Sciences, University of Memphis 
  2. Prof. Jozsef Balogh, Mathematical Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 
  3. Prof. Bela Bollobas, Mathematical Sciences, University of Memphis 
  4. Prof. Susan Murphy, Statistics, University of Michigan
  5. Prof. Amites Sarkar, Mathematical Sciences, University of Memphis


Microsoft Research
Giner Inc.

Guided Therapeutics Inc.

Dr. Santosh Kumar

Dr. Santosh Kumar
Director, NIH Center of Excellence for Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge (MD2K)
Professor and Lillian & Morrie Moss Chair of Excellence
Department of Computer Science
The University of Memphis
319 Dunn Hall, Memphis, TN 38152
Tel: (901) 678 2487 (Office)

Lab Location: 222 Dunn Hall, Department of Computer Science, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152

mHealth Systems Lab is looking for  naturally motivated Ph.D. students with extraordinary ambitions, who would like to be recognized worldwide for their exceptional research work. Be sure to read our research group's philosophy before sending an email.